Page 346 - chs-2002
P. 346
A Parents Dr~am
That our littl~ girl would b~
born h~althy and happy!
That w~ could giv~ h~r things
in lifo ~ven if w~ would b~ without!
That sh~ would l~arn knowl~dg~. faith, & forgivenm!
That w~ could kup h~r saft in a world that som~tim~s
is cold and cru~l!
That h~r moth~r's smik and fath~r's ryts will h~lp h"
su th~ world in a positiv~ light and sp~ak th~ truth!
That sh~ knows that lov~ of h~r family is a diffirent
kind of lov~ which will always b~ with h~r in tim~s of
nud and happinm!
That h~r b~autifol blu~ ryts and h~r gorg~ous smil~ is
what w~ will r~~b~r as if it was just y~st"dily that
sh~ first cam~ into our liv~s.
Our Lov~
Mom, Dad & Emily
344 Meli sa Burnette