Page 372 - chs-2002
P. 372
Jessica & Jamie Richards
It seems like only yesterday that we were
laughmg and ;ok1ng around together. I neuer
thought that that one split second that you
would be gone would come so soon. You truly
were the best big brother. You were always
there for me when I needed you. Although we
had our disagreements euery now and then we
neuer stayed mad at each other. I think about
you everyday and I'll neuer forget you because
you are my "Dude." I didn't think that it was
f01r that you left my l1fe so soon. but I know now
that you are up in heauen watching down on
me as my guardian angel. I loue you lots, and
I'll see you again someday but until then I'll
cherish euery memory that we shared
loue. Jessica
370 Je ica & Jamie Richard.