Page 410 - chs-2002
P. 410
Dustin, Dllsty, Bubba. ...
Whatever name we calliJOil, •son• will aZWtliJS SlllJ it the best. We tue
proud of IJOU tl1Ul 1M fiM young man IJOil haue become, lllllln if you did make us
wonder at times. God could not haue given to us a more fun loving. considerate or
sweet baby boy. Nlll.ler foTJet who you are or what you want to be. Live your life to
the furleBt and alwtll/S keep the Lord in your huut. Welovo y011. son tl1Ul hopo y011.r
dreams alwtll/S rome true.
408 Du tin ickodam