Page 461 - chs-2002
P. 461

Mandi  Clark

                       c[)ear :Mandl,

                             }Is an ear(y child; you liave 6een tfie center of our attention.  Prom a6out 18 months, you liave /lept us
                       entertai7!ed: IJ rom 6eing a comeaum wfto '[[ tfo just a6out a1l)tfnng to makg us faueft.  6eing a motfe[ wfumewr a camera uw-
                       p:mztea in your dlrectum, acting in s/(jts anti p(ays,  right up to 6aru( chorus, anti auxj[uuy.
                             It wiff soon 6e tfie time that you'{[ st~ out on your own.  rrfiat  wi[[feac.,e an empty space that wi{[ onfy 6e
                      .friied wfien you come to visit.  'We'[[ support a1l) career you pursue.  ft{{ we as I(_ is 6e fiappy.

                                                 We L011e you anti are very proutf of
                                                          :Mom anti (/)a({

         'Ewn tftouon I'm saa your kaviniJ us- I 'm liappy tfiat you matfe it.  I row you
         oirf.  I will alu.ays 6e there for you.

         £we you till tlie -
         Wo ~ ..... .Just us 41

                                                           Prom tfte first time we met a6out 9 years aeo till now we liave 6een an unstcppa6fe team.
                                                           Prom fa!Ung in •row• anti liaving our liearts 6ro{en ona too often to pulling off cmzy
                                                           scams ~ goino to tlie river for sfrituf1(Js) anti getting in a 'UJ01'(d of truu6fe we wen 6y
                                                           eacn otlier tnrDUfjfi it all. ftnti no matter wliere we en4 up we'{[ always 6e 6est Jrierufs.

                                                                                                   Mandi Clark  459
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