Page 526 - chs-2002
P. 526
We may or may not have
maae it through togethe" 6ut I
just wantea to fet you k_now fiow
sweet ana caring you are to me.
'l'{J.ver fet anyone ta{q. that away
from you, ana ion 't ever change.
We may have onfy k_nown each
other for a short time, 6ut tfiose
specia[ memories that we've
sharea together wif[ never 6e
forgotten! "Sprite" wi[{ a{ ways
6e my favorite pop! I'm very
proua of you ana gooa {uck_ with
pursuing your 6ase6a{{ career in
your future!
~{ways XOXO,
?(aren Patfu[a
tiJustin (jraclt£y
524 John & Karen I Du tin Grady