Page 546 - chs-2002
P. 546

Gregory Hrline

            Yeu 11M made mt t11r proudest metllrr In tilt wortd,l rtllly doo't lulow
           what to say.  I know I wou d u e Ia lllank Ged far blesslnt me wltll s1ldt 1
           wonderful son.  nothing  has made me  hippler thin knowing the  part I
           played In your ure.  Tbtrt was neuer any doubt In my llllnd or heart that
           you woutd lit 1 success In  whlleuer goa set out to ..._  lltcause goU'ue
           i1lw1ys beeaao eager lltauer.  hea though ore and Its clllllenges lrt just
           gettlnt started far  you,  tlltrt's still na  doubt In  my  Allnd  or he  rt tllilt
           you'U cee   to be 1 gnat suctm llllllhlteuer cwaes gour w~
             So, I'll close by  so~ng. lloue gou with  II my he  rt, and keep looking
           UJ and llaulng faith In the lord, because all things art possible through the

             81ack flash IS determined en the football field at sdlooll24.
           You'ue always been a posltlue pmon.  lllways be smiling and
           wllUng to learn.  You haue a good, posltlue head on your shoulders.
           Knowing you, Greg, for the past 12 yetrs has been a great joy for
           me, seeing you grow from a small boy to a br1ght young man.  Stay
           fOCIIsed always.
           Your friend,

             WeU son, the IIIOmtnt Is almost near.  GraduaUon does not mean the end
           of Ufe  ill Columbia  High  Sllcao~ but  rather a new  beginning  with adult
           rtspoasiiiiUIIts.  tuery tiling Ia the lasllB years 1f ore and 12 yea11 ar
           school has been leading up to "Tbe Day."
             The lrllnln9 wts net aU frtm !looks.  Yeu baue been learning to le1d and
           ltlllllot II flllow, ltllllial It lfut IS wtU IS lake dlrtttlons.  learning
           facts  Is  Important,  ~ut nen 1110re  so Is  letmlng 11  gel along 111th  yolK
           ftllttu 111111.
             I know tilt lisllwelue gears haue been hard ones, but this Is only the
            beglmlng u  you step outlnt1 the ~mcuu wortd or ackllts.
             Gret. I tlllnk Ge4 ftr glvlnl me 10 tHOr! unity to see you grow from 1
            'fltiDt dll\4 to tljiUng 1111   lam very IN'IUd 1f you tad I love you uery
            ® flrtlnt, Sr., ft uery proud dad

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