Page 561 - chs-2002
P. 561
Carrie Elizabeth Cummings
From the t1me you were two years old, we knew you were our strong
w1lled child, and we could not break that will, but could only help mold
it. Later, when you "marched to yoUI own music," and refused to be like
other kids, we began to admire that strong spirit Now, we know you are
ready to venture out under God's love and guidance. Always know
when you fall down, (whether you're tooting your tuba, chasing a
chicken, being stepped on by your steer, or rewntlng that final essay,)
God picks you up and makes you even stronger the next timel We are
very proud of you! Love, Mom & Dad
13e strong aruf have courage, ao not fear or 6e aismayeti for tfz.e Lora wi£[ go 6efore you ana {ignt your way.
1JeuL. 31:6
Carrie Cumming 559