Page 99 - chs-2002
P. 99
Keeping the
Story Alive ...
As we, the Class of2005, nervously entered the front doors
of CHS on the first day of school, we embarked on a new
JOurney. We went in not knowing what to expect, with only
each other to help us get through.
As the year went by, we experienced pep rallies, Home-
commg, football games, and getting to kn0\.1. the upperclass-
men we feared and looked up to. We were told high school is
supposed to be the "time of our life," and I think we've al-
ready started to prove that tatement true.
With three more year · to go, we have a lot to look forward
to. We prom1 e to keep the tory aJi,e ...
--Ashley Owens
Far Above: Mr . Robert ha made a good tran-
sition from the 9th grade center to the high chool.
Her students feel right at home ! otice her
tudent's big smiles.
Above: Ca ie und, Laurie Little, Jordan
trickland, Cry tal Town end, and Chri tina Wil-
liams are ready to leave after a hard day rk in
Journali m.
0 borne, Vice-Pre ident; Brandon Hill,
Pre ident; tephanie King, a member of the
Fre hmen Club. ot Pictured are tephanie
Barbie, Treasurer and u tin Thra her, ecretary.
Fre hmen Introduction 95