Page 115 - chs-2003
P. 115

Jack1e Oliver and  helby Lee try to stick
                                                                                 together for the first pep rally of the year.

                                                                                       Mary Freeman
                                                                                       Whitney Freeman
                                                                                       Katrina Freemon

                                                                                       Carla Fre  e
                                                                                       Octavius Fulton
                                                                                       Timothy Fulton

                                                                                       Danny Gable
                                                                                       Brient Gaddis
                                                                                        haki}ia Gainer
                                                                                       Martice Caine
                                                                                       Rollin Gardner
                                                                                       Jo  hua Gavarrette

                                                                                        hesley Gay
                                                                                        shlcy Geiger
                                                                                       Meli  sa Geiger
                                                                                       Ashley Geike
                                                                                       Audra Geisler
                                                                                        aroline Geisler

                                                                                        1ernel Genus
                                                                                        helle)  Giebeig
                                                                                       Matthew Ginn
                                                                                       Jan-\1artin Gonzale
                                                                                       Jose Gonzalez
                                                                                       Tamara Gonzalez

                                                                                       Barbara Goodbread
                                                                                       Martel Goodbread
                                                                                       '\1ichael Goodbread
                                                                                       Kermit  oodson
                                                                                       L)nd  C)  Goodson
                                                                                       Dane Gott chalk

                                                                                       James  raham
                                                                                        te~en Graham

                                                                                                        Ill, Fre ·hmen
   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120