Page 134 - chs-2003
P. 134

Katherine Herschleb, Engli  h
                              andace Hine  , Art
                               hri  Jone., E
                              Jake Joye,  cience
                             Lar11  Joye,  cience

                           harleen  Kelle),  cience
                           :\1aureen Kerce, E  OL
                         Carlton Kilpatrick, \1u  ic
                          Doroth)  Knight, Testing
                            Robert Kohn,  cience

                            Barbara Lake, :\1ath
                      tephanie Lee, Paraprofessional
                            Vicki  Lynch, llistor
                              arol \1artin, Math
                       Grattan  1cGroarty, JROTC

          This is a year to remember

           Testing, art shows, plows and cows, Science Fairs, repairing engines, AP Classes,
            auto maintenance, scholarship searches, Math Moments,  Character education,
            Student centered activities, library skills, Senior project, etc.,etc .... it never ends!

                             his is  a year to  remember!  The faculty and  staff welcomed
                             many new faces to campus who made a definite impact on the
                             school.  Many teachers achieved National Board Certification.
                             Mr. Campbell, Mrs. Silverstien, Mrs. Bender, Mrs. Barnett, Mrs.
                             Martin, Mrs. Naiman took the tests, completed the projects and
                             attained this select status.  Congratulations to one and all!
                             Numerous teachers made the extra effort to attend workshops
                             to  further their skills.  Mrs. Carol  Martin  continued  providing
                             interesting inservice programs with her web based programs in
                             the Library. Another honor for Mrs. Martin was being asked to
                             speak on behalf of Florida educators when Gov. Bush and Lt.
                             Governor Brogan visited Olustee Park on their campaign trail.
                             Guidance continued providing expanded services to students
                             by hiring another counselor and improving services to students
                             in  crisis.  CHS Occupational Specialist, Mrs. Foster and Mrs.
                             Olmstead, worked even harder connecting students with jobs
                             and scholarships.  Officer Dicks, with the help of Mr. Collins and
                             Mrs. Lee, maintained security and provided staff and students
                             with a secure and safe environment. Mr.  Carswell, Mr. Widergren,   Mr. Jon Hernandez
                             and Mrs. Crowder worked hard to provide support and assistance
                             to Mrs. Chamberlin  in  making sure the  school  ran  smoothly.   Being a first year teacher has many
                             The cafeteria workers were diligent  in  their quest to  provide
                             nutritious  and  appealing  food  for  students  and  staff.  Mr.   challenges but it is 110 problem for thi.
                             Williams led his students in building another outstanding house   native of England.  A grad of the
                             from the foundation to the roof.  Mr.  Kilpatrick and Mr. Adkins
                                                                                         University of Florida, Mr.  Hernandez
                             continued their winning ways with fabulous Choral and Band
                             programs. Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Baisden were busy with FCA T.   married a CHS grad and began his
                             Everywhere you looked there was a teacher or staff member
                             working hard to provide educational opportunties for students.   career doing what he loves best, guiding
                             Each  teacher  and  staff  member  contributed  to  the  overall   students to a better understanding of
                             quality of the school. Not everyone is named here, but everyone
                             knows that every person at CHS is committed to EXCELLENCE!             History.
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