Page 176 - chs-2003
P. 176

Guys push

            the limit in


            The time and effort required to  make
          the  weighlifting  team  i  almost  year
          round.  Athlete  who . eek to continue the
          lifting tradtion at CHS put all their heart
          and    oul  into    trengthening,
          conditioning,  and  focu  ing.  There  i
          never a  moment that can  be  wa  ted  in
           eeking perfection.Thi  year wa.  a huge
           ucce  .  ot only did  the team do  well
          phy  ically, they  ucceeded in learning to
          work  a  a  team.  Tear  were  cried  and
          room  were filled with laughter through
          a  ea  on of  ictory.

          Right:  Ian Smith and Phillip Pueschel watch
          eagerly as their teammate, Torian  heppard,
          competes against their rival.

          Above:  Gonzo Cutts . tays focused on his goal with the
                                                  Above:  Jared Gardner, Tony Fulton, and Ret Tompkins make take a break from their strenuous efforts.
          help of  teven Roberts.  Together they will succeed.

          172, Boy's Weightlifting
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