Page 256 - chs-2003
P. 256
*Student Council*
CHS Student Council governs the student body at Columbia High. As in any Democratic government, each
student has a voice in the decisions made. Their voice is heard in the elections. Officers and class
representatives share the opinions, concerns, likes, and dislikes of the student body with administrators.
Student Council and its representatives are responsible for making each Homecoming at CHS better than the
last. They also provide helping hands with charity events such as the Christmas Party for Foster Children and
the March of Dimes. This year the students sponsored a drive to take care of needs at CHS during Thanksgiv-
ing and Christmas. Students raised over $1,000 in monetary, toys, and clothing donations to take care of
twelve needy families.
Student Council meets monthly just prior to reguarly scheduled club meetings. Mrs. Deborah Wright is spon-
Above: Mrs. Wright and President Erica Mayo
enjoyed Homecoming night because they got to
see the results of their hard work.
Top Right: Sheila Rojas, Ben Carol, and Peter
Williamson get drinks ready for Field Day!
Bottom Right: Fradriena Jean visits patients at
Palm Garden.
252, Student Council