Page 377 - chs-2003
P. 377
I can remember when we were little
Can you believe we've finally
we would beg our parents to let us spend the
made II? It seems like only yesterday we
night toQether and then they would tell uslt
were In elementary school beoolno our
was time to go home because we would start
parents to spend every second tooether. Hot
Hqhllng. How that we are older, we stills pend
only have you been my best friend but my
the nloht just as much but flqht less. You have
sister and we've always stuck by each other.
always been there for me through good times
We've had a lot of ups and downs but have
and the bad. You are just like a sister to me. I
remained friends throuqh It all. I wish you the hope that no matter where we end up In life
best of luck In the future and always
we will still be lust as close as we are now so
remember that I'm here for you no matter
that our children can share the special band
what. Always reach your ooals.
that we have. You are my best friend.
Love always,
Melanie S. 373