Page 393 - chs-2003
P. 393
Sheena (6a6y gid),
We than!( (joa for the aay that you were 6om. We feeC
6{essea to have hac£ the responsi6i{ity of having raisea you into
a 6eautiju{ young {aay. We are very proua of you ani what
you have aone your high schoo{ years, also your 6eCief in (jocf.
.9Ls you prepare yourself for co{{ege, continue to trust in the
Lorcf. (joa has great p{ans for you, so trust in him whatever you
choose . .9Ls you aeciae your future, !(now that (joa ana your
fami{y wi{{ 6e 6esiae you.
With Love ana 13est Wishes
In Your !future 'Enaeavors,
Mom ana Vacf
heena Fields 389