Page 466 - chs-2003
P. 466
Jodi Lvnnette Glass
To M~ Sweet Bab~ Girl,
I alwa~s ~vtew t~is da~ woiAid come, blAt
it seems as t~oiAg~ it came too soovt. I
cavt still see ~oiAr precioiAs little face t~e
first time I raid e~es OVl ~OIA, As t~e
~ears passed ~oiA V!ave broiAq~t so miAc~
JO~ to m~ life. I am so pro1Ac1 of all ~oiAr
accomplis~mevtt s avtd ~ow ~OIA V!ave
alwa~s plAt ~oiAr ~eart ivtto ever~t~ivtg
~OIA set oiAt to do,
YoiA ~ave triAl~ made a remar~able
persovt! I pra~ t~at ~OIA ~eep t~e fait~
t~at ~OIA ~old sacred ivt ~oiAr ~eart avtd
J<?SIAS C~rist will ma~e an ~OIAr dreams
come triAe. I am nere for ~OIA forever, if
vtot ivt persovt, ivt ~oiAr Vieart. I love ~oiA.
-Love Moma
P.S. CoVJgrats! Love DaVJVJ~, Mar~, Pat,
Caile~, Witt aVJd K<?YJdal we love ~oiA!
462 Jodi Glass