Page 189 - chs-2004
P. 189
Heads Up, JV Girl's Soccer!
Not having to face
Districts i the only easy
part of the season determined not to go down without
a fight. Through the season our
The girls' JV soccer team ·kill harpened and our game
is not only a team, but clo ·c improved.
fnends. We alway hadaposttive The mo t memorable thing
attitude after every game, win or of our ea on were the wacky time
lo c. hom our fir t game to our we had, on the bu to a game or on
Ia. t, we played our best. the field. We will al\\.ay ·remember
'We started out our when one of our player , \Vent head
season by lo ing our first game. first into the other player· goal or fell
OUI· second game was as if we were face first in a throw-in. oach,
a completely different team. We Domonique Thorn ·on, who taught
Abll\e: Calle Bassler takes long strides dO\Hl the field toward the goal llcr skill and dominated that game and every u · a lot, and we appreciate
dedication 1\l the team has hdped the Lad] Tiger-. throughout the season .
game after that. We \\.Crc everything.
- na Moore
Abo\c: Back Row: Jewel Markham, Jenmfcr Croft, Catie Bassler.Danielle Burkett, AIIsa Ring.
Left: Jennifer ( rofl throw· the ball in to get another exciting
Jessica Masters. Elizabeth Carnllo, Coach Dominique Thomson Front Row: Abby Markham,
game against Ridge' iew. Being the goalie is sometimes a
Danielle ll untcr, Kelly Hunter, Cressy ·pradley, Amanda Black, J\na 1oorc
lonesome job but Jennifer was kept busy all season long.
Abo,c: Ana \1oore uses her trappmg -.kills to AbO\ e: '\manda Black takes on an opposmg Ridge' ie\\
Left: Captam ( rcssy pradley takes on an opposing
stop the ball from gomg bj he heads t\mard player and beat> her to the ball. Her de fens!\ e sl..ilb keep
player from Ridge\IC\\ \\IIh kill as she dnbbles down
the field . Ridge\le\\ s goal to score for the I. ad) figer-.. the Tigers ahead.
N Girl ' occer, 185