Page 205 - chs-2004
P. 205

The Cnm1nal just1ce Student Association
       1 s a very act1ve  coub  at CHS.  They are 1nvolved  1n
       many proJects both on and off campus.  There are
       over one hundred members of the club.  Th1s year,
       CJSA  has  adopted  "Lake  City  Extended  Care"
       nurs1ng home.  the studnts from the club take t1me
       to v1s1t  residents of the home,  and  bnghten the1r
       day.  ~hey have also adopted two children for the
       Columbia County School System Chnstmas party,
       whiCh they have done for  the past six years.  This
       orgamzation also does many things to improve the
       school1tself.  They pa1nt arrows in parking lots, paint
       crosswalks,  put  up  fences,  as  well  as  all  the flags
      that hned  the front  driveway  of the campus,  and
       much more.  There is simply too much to list.  Th1s
      organization  IS  a  serv1ce  club  that  Improves  the
                                           Front Row· Shelly Dukes, Jenn Carpenter, Brandon Beil,  Steven Khach1gan, Seond Row· Katie Frazier, Trevor Williamson,
      overall safety and oook of the school.  The officers   David Johnson, Mandy Freeman, Salena Westberry, Amber Willoams, Chros Mullen, Darren Davos,  Chrostme Moses, Jessica
      of the  club  are:  President- Brandon  Beil,  Vice   Duren, Leah Stephens, Justm Norm, Krostin Stock; Third Row: Brendan Jenkons, Ronald Allbritton, Amber Revels, Ashley
       Pres1dent- Steven  Khachigan,  Secretary- Shelly   Steighner, Tia  Mobley, Sharita Tunsil, Jennifer Croft, Heather Jenkins, Alosa  Ring, Whotney Schaffer, Holly Charney, Logan Clary,
                                           Amanda Hall; Fourth Row: Whotmey Harrel, Bmtany Campbell, Samantha Fernley, Jessica Alvey, Ins Copeland, Shannon
       Dukes, Treasurer-Jenn Carpenter, and Sgt.-at-arms-
                                           Harden, Jommy Johnton, Suzoe Montgomery, Samantha Chestnut, Nicole Brann in, Krosto Wilson, Holly King; Fofth  Row· Genele
       Lance Corbin and Matt Marciano.     Rickart, Kenny Eichenberg, Daniel Walsh, Ryan  Gambell, Cody Hudson, Jordan Harris, Will Beaty, John Woods, Cody Guynn,
                                           Ryan  Norns, Gabby Romero, Bhavna Thakor, Hanna Wheeler, Stephanoe Alvarado, Matt Marchoano, Jon  Bell, Josh Church,
                                           Becky Bennett, Jenny Johns, Kelly Huddleston


     Above:  Mr. Lizotte's sixth period class enjoy an
     insprational speaker.  Criminal Justice students
     love to learn new ways to stop crime!

     What does the Criminal Justice
     Student Association do for the
     1. Teen Court- Every Thursday
     2.  Law Day- May  1st
     3.  N.E.  Florida Education Consortium
     4.  Mock Trail
     5.  Relay for Life Activities
     6.  Help City of Lake City plant trees
                                         Above:  Mr. Lizotte shows Eric North the proper   Above:  Criminal  Justice  Sweetheart  Hannah
                                         way to perform CPR.                   Wheeler and  Hearthrob Brandon Biel

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