Page 347 - chs-2004
P. 347
' lime you have (l)orbed .so !on!/ and
hard for has finally come. We couldn 'I
he more proud. You're /he bind of
dau!Jhler every paren/ hopes and
dreams of havin!J. 7/l(l)ay.s aim hijh /o
achieve and you (1)111 .succeed. do in all
you do he /rue /o yourself and .bold on /o
your dreams a.s /.be years unfold. Von'/
compromise /.be ideals /.hal you .bold,
for on Jfi.s/ory'.s pa!Je.S are (l)ri//en /.be
deeds of /hose (l)bO had /.be coura!Je /o
live hy /heir creeds. !for /.bose (l)bO
.held on lo /heir dreams, a/ las/
achieved /.be !loafs in (l)hich /.bey
believed. do J/en, he /rue /o yourself in all /.hal you do, reach for I .be .s/ars, and your dreams (1)111 come /rue.
!J?ememher (l)e love you and (1)111 al(l)ay.s he here for you.
WJil.b all our /dove and dupporl ~
!.iJ(om tf Vad
'J.ban.k.s for hein!J a h1j .sis
and a friend /o me .since /he
he!Jinnin!J. ?or .sharin!J and
cariil!J even lhou!Jh g (l)a.s
darin!J. We've been l.brou!Jh
lhic.k~n~l.bin, i.ban.k.s a!Jain.
!.iJ(ay all your !loafs become
a realify.
/dove your hrolher ~ J/o.shua
Jennifer Eddins 343