Page 368 - chs-2004
P. 368
and Lindsey
Unz, ~lfrea,
I can remember so . . 'We' .
re ftna{{y get tin
netghborhood m ourw:ll crwsmg through the stayed fnenlfs tli. 8 liout of litre a nil we 'lit
scared to go down th arbte cars and bemg cliasing ice cream':,ue 'tt aU/ 'We went fro
street. Of cours I e btg ht/1 across the t c uc"-s wli.en
, e made you g ,. o cnastng guys tn /i. /i. li we were fttt{e
t. was okay, and when o .'trst to see if 6e tli.ere for you c'O sc oo{. I '{{ a{ways
safely, I followed s· you made tl down t/i. · tng . I was yo wnenever y ou neea any ·
. •
ur twtn tn '1( ' If
have always looke~nce we were young I your Cifesaver tn e{em tn ergarten,
after all these yea~ up to you for advtce and your s/i.ou{lfer to entary sc/i.oo{, ani£
the wrong path Ass :ou've never led me do:Vn .v , cry on tlirou fi c · /i.
-,ou re one o+ tli 8 ntg sclioo{
6 estfr · tf
of our lives, I k~ow y~u~~~se through the rest asR.,for a nil I R.,now ' ten s I cou{lf tlltr
up and down the hill . e there to help me fife . 'Wii.o R_now you {[ 6e successfuC tn
s, we may ev
you. I could not ask~· JUSt as I will be for merciaCs for 'l(r f ' en ma"-e com·
you'll always be m ~r a better friend ... a t . I Cove you!
I love yout Adre/(G candle on the water!" Love, Lindsey
a .. · you know.)
364 Adrea and L. d sey