Page 451 - chs-2004
P. 451
s f£manue 1farris
We are so very proua of you, as you
are a6out to feave fiioli sclioo{ and'
to 6egin anotlier part of your lift.
Wliatever you clioose it to 6e. We
are 6eliiruf you a[[ tlie way. We liope
cy ou continue to liave tliat sweet spirit
and' tlie Cove you liave in lie[pino otliers
in neetf. Jflways remem6er to k.§ep qoa
first in you lift in wliatever decision
you mak.§. We Love you!
(])ad;, f£6ony
and' fF ami{y
Charles Emanuel Harris 447