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Weed and Brush Management

                                                                       Where Musicians Shop

                                                                                     Drums * Keyboards
                        Class of '04                                              Sounds System Installed
                                                                                        Music Books
                      We Love You                                                 Band Instrument Repairs

                             Jason!!                                     Large Selection of New & Quality Pre-Owned

                                                                           Guitars* Band Instruments* Amps Sound

                                                                      - - - - - - - - - --- -- - ------ --- - - - - ----

              <386)  755-3403                   Rt.  10 Box 293                       1034  SW  Main  Blvd
              Fax (386)  755-1376           Lake City, Fl  32025                     Lake  City,  Fl  32025


                                                  Christian  Heritage Church

                       Changing the World  f person  ®  a time.                bus:  (386) 752-9119

                                                                           e-mail:  revivalgen®alltel. net

                                                                        Come Visit us ~unday' s @  6p.m.

                                                                           Located  I 1/2 miles  East of
                         Congratulations Class Of 2004!                           1-75 on  Hwy 47.

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