Page 50 - chs-2004
P. 50
Far left: Dallas Sapp, who played
"Colt" at the Pep Rally perfor-
mance of the skit, was asked to
play the part after Steven Khachi-
gan slipped on a banana peel on
skit night and broke his arm. Both
Steven and Dallas did a wonder-
ful job.
Left: Bryant Crews, disguised as
an Orlando Jones fan, dances in
front of the choir singing "Oh
Happy Day!"
The Senior class put
on a musical for their
skit. Quarterback
"Colt" goes through
time to find the true
meaning of Home-
coming: bringing the
old and new together
Kenyonna Merrick and Melissa Play that funky music, white boy! Jimmy
to support CHS. Sistrunk sing the duet "It's in His Conner puts on a show as he dances to
Kiss." the song.
Dallas is pulled to the •ambulance" by Steven Murril, Aaron Jenkins, Atish Patel,
nurses Lindsey Morton and Jazan Nabin- and Chad Steen encourage everyone to
ger. stay at the YMCA.
46, Skits