Page 62 - chs-2004
P. 62
It ha been an honor h lding the I appreciate all the upport and
title of Mi H 2003-2004. I hard\ ork from my family and
am o grateful that I wa gi en the friend . I would ai o like to
chance to repre nt my chool thank Mr . houp for all the time
and community. Participating in and effort he put into thi pageant
the Mi H pageant wa an to make it a fun experience for
e perience that I will never everyone. Good Luck to all ofthe
forget. II of the girl in the future Mi H
pageant are beautiful and
talented, and I am glad that I wa Right: Lind. e)' '\1orton 1 ~ crowned Miss
gi en the opportunity to get to CH 2003-2004 by the fom1er M1ss CH
know them. Dyanna loan .
AbO\c Adrea P1tman and newly crO\\ned
\I! iss C II Lmdsey celebrate her victory
after the pageant.
Right: Lmdsey '\1orton 1s ecstatic as she
IS crO\\ned M1ss CH
58, Miss CHS