Page 93 - chs-2004
P. 93
new freedoms, new responsibilities ...
When we became ophomore
everything changed. We are no
longer con idered the babie of
the chool. Our parent are
tarting to lighten up a little and
extend our curfew . New
thing come along uch a
driver' licen e and beginning
to date. Finally, we can get
around by ourselves, not
relying on a carpool or parent.
Top to bottom: Ashley Steighner and Omar
o more changing of the driver Marrero try to raise money for the Sophomore
class. They are really exc1ted about future events
in front of the chool. that the money will contribute to.
At fir t, the e thing all
Sophomores Hetal Patel, Amber Stormant, Amber
ound like nothing but fun. Mannsman, Abby Markham, Alyssa Royster,
Jessica Ash, Bnttney Billingsley, Eddie Sheridan,
However, a alway with new Janay Economou, Melissa Geiger, Amber
Simpson, Kortney Tomlinson, Danielle Fraze and
freedom come new Corey Burk are excited about going back to
school. Finally, they are not at the bottom of the
re pon ibilitie . Then
everything eem to pile up all
Sophomore class off1cers Tonya White, Joshua
at once. Teacher eem to be Swain, Kavita Patel, J.B. Williams and Anna
Crutcher look out for Sophomores' interests as the
a igning more work than la t elected representatives of the 2006.
year and there i alway the
cur ed FCAT for u to pa .
All the e thing can eem
overwhelming at time , but we
realize that our friend and
maybe C\ en teacher upport u
more than ever. o we learn to
live it up, becau e after all, this Left: English Teacher Mrs. Quillen is proud to
i the good tuff. be sponsor of the sophomore class. "I really
enJOY being with the students, especially
-Lee Anne Fogarty dunng such things as Homecoming."
ophomor , 89