Page 212 - chs-2005
P. 212
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ociation, ponsored by Mr. Lizotte, is an
organization with ervice to the chool and community a a priority. Mem-
ber of CJ A worked thi year to raise fund to build a fountain to put in the
lake in front of the chool. Other project that the J A deal with arc Law
Day, Veteran Day, keeping up with the billboard, and many ervice projects
for both the chool and the community.
F1rst Row L to R: am 0 borne (VP), Amber Man ·mann (Treasurer), Heather pahalsk1 ( gt. at Arm ),
Jenn Carpenter (Persidcnt), Mandy Freeman ( ccrctary), helly Dukes (VP), Mr. Lizotte( ponscr).
Row 2: Kara Creamer, Kristin tock, Delacia Griffin, Alexi Reynolds, Lindsie Fralick, Bethany roft,
Brittany Munns, usie Montgomery, amantha Townsend, Lin dey Eatmon. Row 3: Kaylie Burton.
Juhe Hanson, Ashley talnaker, Katrina Powell, Amanda Hall, odi Proffitt, !leather Jenkins, Roxanne
Jackson, Jc ·s1ca Duran. Row 4: vtatt hnslle, Kenneth Eichenberg, Kaylyn Varnum, Zach Waters.
Brittam Wooden, Danielle Morrison, Ana 'vloore, ina King, hris Thompson, andace pradley. Ro\\
5: Zachary Rice, Matt talvey, Katlynn Horseley, J.M Allbritton, Brianna Meades, Ashley Beville,
Julie Bourg, A lisa Ring, Marie roft. Row 6: Marvi Ander on, Ca ey Thomas, Courtney Davis,
Michael Pope. Penny Rickert, Amy Pasternak, Christine Mo ·e , hauna 0' teen, atherinc Frazier.
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Row 7: Whitney Harrell, Brittany ampbcll .