Page 298 - chs-2005
P. 298

Sonja Schick

                                            We  are  glad  that  you  were  brave  enough   o
                                           go  to  America  wh~le  you  were  only  16  years
                                            old .   At   he  beg1nn~ng  it  probably  wasn ' t
                                            easy  moving  into  a  different  env~ronment
                                           w~th  a  new   fam~ly  and  a  foreign  language  to
                                             :earn .  And  that ' s  the  reason  why  we  are
                                           glad  that  you  were  g~ven  a  good  hos   fam~::.y
                                            that  :aves  you  and  cares  for  you  ::. .... ke  you
                                                     were  the .... r  own   ch~ld .
                                           We  hope  that  you  have  a  grea   time  and  make
                                           many   fr~ends  and  we  are  proud  that  you  are
                                            a  great  student   ~n  your  American  school .
                                            By   ::.~ving  in  America  we  are  glad   hat  you
                                           have  been  able   o  learn  English  very  well,
                                            and  we  hope  that  the  fr1ends  you ' ve  made
                                            w~::.l  stay  fr~ends  for  your  entire  l1fe .
                                                       OnJa  we  mi  s and  lo>e  you
                                                          Mama  und  Papa

                                                                            PRE-SCHOOL PROGRAM IJ

                                                                                 INFANT TO 12 YEARS
                                                                            BEFORE &  AFTER SCHOOL CARE
                                                                            • HOT MEALS & SNACKS            •
                                                                            • SCHOOL AGE SUMMER ACTIVITIES   •
                                                                     •      • HOURS: 6:30-5:30 MON. -FRI.
                                                                    ~ \~    • TEACHERS W/CDA CREDENTIALS  ~   0

                                                                    ST. LIC.    ltttAl•ZI I jANET BALLANC
                                                                   #031032      •                •   Owner I  Operator
                                                                                  840 NW MADISON ST.

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