Page 345 - chs-2005
P. 345
__ Brittany Nicote SpeaKman
From adorable .. babY girt" to .. friZZle hair" to
beautifUl young ladY, the memories Of your
Childhood Will never be forgOtten. As the seasons
Of your life change, take with you the memories,
lessons and Strength Of CharaCter that has shaped
you Into the person you are. As you leave High
School behind, you Will have many new decisions to
make. ~member to always believe In yourself,
fOllOW your dreams and you will go far. MaY you be
blessed with happiness, 1ove, and success In the
fUtUre. We Will alWaYS be YOUr StrongeSt SUpport
and your biggeSt fans and you Will alWaYs be our
--sa bY 'Bratt".
Love Always,
Mom, Steve o/ Greg
Brittany Speakman 341