Page 352 - chs-2005
P. 352
'MY Ltfe·s 1.\ew:~rd
i'he J-f't'plest;momeots oF rrry ltl11 Were wheo you Were Ltttle :md We speot our d:tys to~et.her.
Wttc-htn~ you t;,ke your Rnt step. hemo~ your Z,u~ter, tod re:tdlr.>~ hooks to~ether :~re
memorles I wiLL hoLd ln 1 speruL pZ,re ln rrry hem For6\1er. :;eodlr.>~ you olt to your First df'i
oF ktr.>detYrteo wn htttenweet For me. I koew th:tt ~rowtn~ up wn ptrt oF LtFe, md I w:~oted
you to ex.perleore 6\1erythlr.>~ Ltfe hn to oFFer. hut I Wts tLso uci. he<>tuse I .!mew thtt ' c·hlpter
ln rrry Llte wn rl.osln~ tod ' oew p~e wn opeotn~ I put oo ' hr"'e Ftre :tod trled oot. to rey,
hut wheo I ~ot home. I ~e to tdmtt. I shed some tem. ~ou were rrry h:~hy, tod were
~rowtn~ up so tnt ;Rs t.1me weot oo. you ~rew to he ' roottdeot youo~ Z,dy. I Wttc-hed wlth
joy, 'od ' Lttue oeNousoess. 'S you weot oo your ttrst d't.e. I ~ed seelr.>~ you wtth your
Frleods. I wn so proud the df'i you ~rtdutted From h~ srbooL tod eoterlo~ ' oew ph:tse ot
your ltte. X ow you ne to tdul.t. md I ~e you so murh. I tm so proud ot tU th:tt you h"'e
herome. I will 06\1er he prestdeot md I wiLL prohthLy o6\1er he Ftmous. 'l?ut I ~e htrth to you
toci heLped ~rcrw to he the woociertuL..persoo you ne tocif'j. I feeL God's most lmpowot. job For me h's
heeo romp!eteci. I ~e you ts rrry rew~rd.L~e 'Mom
348 Sandra Croft