Page 428 - chs-2005
P. 428
JennaLee Payne
1Jear Jenna,
'I'fie years fiave gone 6y so fast and you fiav!/}iven
us many wond:erfuC memories. We are grateju{ or your
liar a wori and tfeaication to soft6a{{ ant£ for t e
countCess fiours you fiave entertained" us. "We wi{{ a{ways
6e your #1 fans. You fiave grown into sucfi a smart,
6eautifu{, carina, ant£ Covina youna {ac{y. You fiave
aCways"e us yroutf of you antfwe Cove you very
mucfi. Xnow tfitit we wi{[ aCways 6e fiere for you.
Now tfiat you start tfie next step in {if_e - May (jot£ 6Cess
you ant£ guide you in a{{ tfiat you wisfi to acfiieve.
We Love you 6uncfies,
Jenna .Jt.X.7l:(J/Sissy),
Wfiere tfo I start? I can remem6er wfien you were
CittCe, ridina 6iies, pCayina 6asiet6a{{, ant£ pCayina
catcfi in tfie 6aciyartf. Now you are a{{ grown up
ant£ gratfuatina. I am so yroutf of you. You fiave
a{ways atfmirea me in so many ways .... we{{, wfiose
to say a 6ig sister can't atfmire a CittCe sister too?
I tru{y fiope to see you go as far as you can witfi
your soft6a{{ career. I fiave never seen someone as
graceju{ as you on tfie mound: I wi{{ aCways 6e Fiere
for you no matter wfiat tfie future may fio{d: I wisfi
you tfie 6est of {uci witfi everytfiina you dO. I Cove
you witfi a{{ of my Fieart sissy.
((J-fow 6Cessea I am. .. J-fow 6Cessea I've 6een. .. You're not
on{y my sister ... You're my 6est friend:"
Love aCways, 1Jetfi
424 Jenna Payne