Page 443 - chs-2005
P. 443
It's liard to 6efieve you're graduating this year. I
never imagined this day when we were growing up.
A[[ we cared a6out was pCa ying liic!e and seek around
granddad's o(d liouse, sumo wrestCing with the coucli
cusliions, or sCiding across on the soapy kitclien fCoor
when mom and dad weren't liome. I know we liave lia.d
our disagreements in the past as 6rothers and sisters do,
6ut I want you to know tlia.t I Cove you more than
anything. I cou(dn't liave asked for a 6etter sister. No
matter liow o(d you get I wi[[ a[ ways 6e there to Cook
after and protect you. I am proud of you and every-
thing that you liave accomp(ished so far - c[ass presi-
dent, soccer, tennis, cheer(eading, good grac!es, and a
wonder fuC and 6eauti fuC sister. I know that you wi[[
go far in [i fe and succeed in wlia.tever you clioose to do.
And you know that if you ever need anything, a[[ you to do is caCC me and I wiCC 6e there. I Cove you
and you wiCC a[ ways 6e my CittCe sister.
Christine Moses 439