Page 466 - chs-2005
P. 466
LaToyaNico 'Rosstn
Congratu{ations; 'Darfrfy's fitt{e girL }Jou dia it!
TfianRs for being sucfi a wonrferju{ caring
rfaugfiter. It means a fot to me for wfiat you
fiave rfone anr£ accomy{isfier£ a{{ tfirougfi tfie
years. 'By fianging tougfi, fianrf{ing a{{
situations tfiat comes your way. 'lobe
successju{ in {ije, tfiat's wfiat it taRes.
}jou are very, very syecia{ to us, Reey uy tfie
goor£ fiarr£ worR because fiarr£ worR a{ways
yays off in tfie enr£.
We Love you!
1Jar£, Steymotfier, Pfii{{iy anr£Yifinr£a 1Wssin
In Lavina
Memory 'Dean
'Rossin Congratufations! I Love you