Page 512 - chs-2005
P. 512

~ ~ wVteV\, soVllteoV\,e k1 ou lov

           )K  becoVlltes  a  VllteVlltorkj ...

                                                                                    -g ve1 c:{  rtu Vlte v

                                 A        A
               Novevu.ber  1-7,  0$?$?   - se-ptevu.ber  2.004

                                               DoV\,'  gr~eve for  vu.e,  for  V\,OW  I 'vu.  free.
                                           1 'V1A  foLLow~V\,g  ~e -pii!t~  <:;oct  ~li!s  Lli!~ct,  k:jOIA  see.
                                              I  tooR,  f-t~s  ~fi!V\,ct  w~eV\,  I  ~eli!r~  H{s  cli!LL.
                                                 I  tA.rV\,ect  V1Ak:j  bli!cR  /i!V\,ct  Left  ~t  ii!LL.
                                                   I  COIAL~i  V\,Ot  stli!tj  /i!V\,0  ~er liii!tj,
                                                To  Lii! tA.g ~,  to  Love,  to  worR,  or  -pLii! k:j.
                                             Tli!srzs  Left  tA.V\,ctoV\,e  stli!k:j  lttli!t  Wli!k:j,
                                               I  fotA.V\,ct  t~e -pwce  li!t  t~e cLose  of liii!tj.
                                                  If V1Ak:j  -pii!r  ~V\,gs  ~li!s  Left  li!  vo~ct,
                                                T~eV\, fLLL  ~t  w~ ~  revu.evu.berect  jok:js.
                                               A  fr~eV\,cts~~"P  s~li!rect,  li!  Lli!tA.gltt,  li!  R,~ss,
                                                    o  k:jes,   ~ese t~~V\,gs  1  vu.~ss.
                                              -g,e  V\,Ot  btA.rcteV\,ect  w~ ~  ~V1Aes  of sorrow.
                                               I  W~S~ k:jOIA.   ~e SlA.V~,SVt~V\,e  of  OV1AOYYOW.
                                                        Mtj  L~fe's  beeV\,  ftA.LL,
                                                          I  Sli!Vorect  V1AIA.C~,
                                          c;ooct  Fr~eV\,cts,  gooct,  li!  Lovect  OV\,e's  totA.c~.
                                             DoV\,'  LeV\,g·  ~eV\,  ~t  V\,OW  w~ ~  tA.V\,cttA.e  gr~ef.
                                              L~f  tA.f  k:jOtA.r  ~eli!r  s,  /i!V\,ct  -pwce  to  ~ee.
                                                       <:;oct  wli! V\,  eli  V1Ae  V\,ow,
                                                           1-te  se  V1Ae  free .
                                                                  .  AV\,OV\,k:j V1AOIA.S

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