Page 185 - chs-2006
P. 185

.. JV  SOCCER ..

                                                                                Below:  Fre  hman Brad Carpenter compete
                                                                                with hi  defender to get the ball during the

       Fir  tRow (from left): Cody Home, Billy Kim, Carlo  Bo  ton, Sean Miller, Jonathan McCarthy, Dakota
       Hizer, A.J  ienadia, Matthew Jones, William Cook, Jason  trick! and. Back Row(from left): Coach  ean
       Ander on, Mike Smith, Tyler Stamper,  ax Joye, Chris Palmobo, David Bell higgins, Kyle Town  end,
       Rian Rodriguez, Miguel Bravo, Clint Spencer, Brad  arpenter, Robert Jeager.

                                                                                 Left:  Carlo  Bo  ton out runs hi  defender.  He
                                                                                 is  hoping to  core a goal.
                                                                                Far Left:  ophomore Kyle Town  end punt  the
                                                                                ball  to  hi  teammate  after he  topped the  hot
                                                                                attempt by the other team.

                                            Above:  Mike  mith  throw  the ball  in.

                                             Left:  Robert Jaeger cuts in  front of his defender
                                             and  ·teals the  ball.

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