Page 344 - chs-2006
P. 344

Hstae PatDIJ

                                            I'm tlwnkjulwe hm e a daughter m.e) 011  llho llll\  big eyes.
                                             I hi~ 1mile.  and al11 av.1  a hi • heart  }au u·ere a till)  hahy
                                            &  today) ou are 1tilla tim;  cute little girl.  117wtel'er
                                            \'Oll do,  aluay1 think aholll God & prm.  A lim) 1
                                            think  ~o(}(l things  · vou 11ill go doun a 1·erv  II< ce  ful
                                            path  Keep faith  · tnt.\t in younel( and r 'memher that God
                                            is alwar.\  11 ith you.  J.S.

                                            71ze thought of 1011 graduating make' me feel old
                                            hut actual!\  1eeing you graduate is  ~0/IIR to olficrally
                                            make me old.  hut alm \'el) proud and grateful,  hecuuse
                                            not erei)'One in  the 1mrld is a\ luc k1·  a1  me to hm·e a
                                            111/er like) 011.  }ou han> ulwav  kept me entertained,
                                            e1·en if I dzdn 't  want to be.  Somehow) ou abt·ay' got me
                                            to plav '\tore" fwe ne1·er real!\  came up  1\ ith a reulnume
                                            for that),  and "lottery  " (I'm  Hill tn•ing to figure ol/1 how
                                            you got me to do  that),  bw doing tho<ie thing  alhmed me
                                            to hang olll \\ ith one of my coole~t friemls  11 hom I happen
                                            to live \\it h.  From the mac and chee e  011te  t  to) ou
                                            being ahle to laugh at am tlung (Coke),  you ha1·e abwy
                                            made me laugh.  }our per.  ua  1011  kl!l  and vour ridiculm"
                                            humor II ill get) 011 fw:  lfl~ \·e been througft a fot,  SOllie good,  \Ollie
                                            had,  but one thing l'l·e learned i  thing~ almn  happen for a
                                            reuwn and that IV  one le  son you 1hould alii a\'\ cany  1dth you.
                                            e pecially from  ll'hat we experienced in  life.  /let,  I'm  w  1 e!)
                                            proud o(J ou,  word  can't e1·en e'(pres  is·,  and a\  }(m go to
                                            college,  meet new people, and find ne1t  intere  ts  alwan kno11  that
                                            I'm alum  going to he there for vou no matter what.
                                             ongratulation  , good luck,  and llm·e wu!

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