Page 400 - chs-2006
P. 400

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                        (.,;    Downtown  ~                                     I·un(·r·t l   on  ~·.  In ·.
                                                                                Brad Wh~.:d~r 8:.  kJ L.  Gu~IT) . .'I'
                   204. 'orth Marion .\venue  •  Lake  ily,  Florida 32055                 0\\ n(!r~
                                 386.T2.7504                                          J.D  I) n.:.  II. L.F D
                                Fax  3  6.752.2316
                        Hours: Monday- Friday 7:30a.m. -4:00p.m.     P.O  Bn" ~::!oJ
                            wners: Robert and Emmie Chasteen
                                                                     _,_-9()  Suuth I !Jghwa~ 441
                      "\'{'e arc also available fur many of your catering need_.•
                                                                     Lalc Cll). I"L  3_05o-2_bJ

                                                                                   Demand Chain
                   'JJtst wishes and swat memories from                            serv1ces
                     the family at ::Ruppert's CJJakay !
                                                                                        Mark Krantz

                           %wntcmm ,Cake City                            P.O. Box 1726      mkrantz@
                                                                         Lake City, FL 32056
                            (386) 758-3088

                  K' S  TV _____ S=.;e--..rv....._ic...._e
                                                                         Butch's  Barber  shop
                      SPECIALIZING IN BIG SCREEN TV s
                                                                      187  country  club  Rd.,  suite  103
                                                                               Lake  City,  FL  32025
                                                                                   (386)  752-6897
                   TOM KOSKI                    ELLEN KOSKI
                   I 780 East Duvall  Street, Swte 108   Lake City, Florida 32055


                                  TEACHE  OFT                                     YEAR

                                          JAN  ILVERSTEIN

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