Page 348 - chs-2008
P. 348
\I}, hoi\ time passes, hd1en you're hanng ltull.
You han· lx-eu stKh aJO} I'm llte lamil}, aucl others.
\\'e 1\lsh 1<>umud1 sucn·ss 111 all that }Ollll'<l<h oullo do.
\\\· kuo\\ that \OU cau make the m;:ht choices ilyou "F0(1'
. \lll'<t} s lx· miudf'ullhal ':Jd1m·ah hkssiu~;:s IS 11 hal makes us nd1
aJIC( h<· <ICicls 110 paiu 1\llh 11" l'rm·e1hs 10:22. llom·sll},ll has lnth
lx-eu a hkssmg lo ha1 e you apa11 ol' ou1 hn·s.
·nerlorgcl: UVEWELL WVEALWAYS, aucl
I clou't han· to tl'll roulo IAUGHMUCH.lx·caus<' you ~el yow shan· olthal.
Congr.rts, and Much Love Always.
\I om, Sun· II. Bak<'l, D;t<l, lJs.t, C:ranm. PaPa
H11, 1'1 "'. I eel ely, !'eel. Autumu, .\l}a.
( ;, ;~uclma fldeu .. \II olyow uudes, auuh, ami cousius
;mcl<'l l'l')om· 's hk that you\ e louchccl.