Page 107 - chs-2010
P. 107

Serve tup

                                     Breathe ... forehand,     our A-game, study our         watching. It's a thrilling and
      Bottom Picture: JirrunyWhite
      backhands a cross court shot.   backhand, crosscourt, slice,  opponents  and work on   exciting game that keeps
                                  lob, backhand ... SLAM.      the best possible strategies   every viewer on edge. At
                                     Although patience is key  - both defensive and          the end of the season, we
                                  to a strong tennis game, you  offensive to ATTACK.         know that we not only have
                                  also need to know when          While victory is always    done our very best, but
                                  to agressively take to the   in our minds, it's also       have also enjoyed every
                                  net and win your point.      important to have fun while   second of it. We're very
                                  Tennis requires lots of      playing the game. Our team    excited about this season
                                  hard work, agility, thinking,   strives to play well and   and possibly bringing
                                   and preparation. They say   have fun every moment we      home a district title in 2010.
                                   tennis is 80% mental and    are out on the tennis courts.        -Patricia Gulley (12)
                                   20% physical. We have to       Tennis is a sport
                                  work extra hard to bring     that most people enjoy

                                                                                        Top Picture: Shyam Patel readies his return.

                                                                                                 Left to Right Pictures: Seruors
                                                                                                 Leandra Neal, Claire Townsend,
                                                                                                 and Patricia Gulley working
                                                                                                 on theJI game at the first of the
                                                                                                 season practices.

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