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P. 249

First Row: Mrs. Tera Perry (Sponsor), Mackenzie
       Beatrice (President), Levi Buwalda (Vice President),
       Scarlet Calhoun (Treasurer), Evan Leslie (Secretary).
       Second Row: Cale Shaw, Erin Markham, Bryanna
       Pincus, Sheridan Gerberich, Kayla Williams, Levi
       Hollingsworth. Third Row: Joseph Cornejo, Emily
       Delisle, Amber Glenn, PJ  Lmdboe, Drew Williams,
       Austin Reeves.

                                         The Cnminal Justice Club goals are to interact with community service projects, such as Adopt a Grandparent program w1th local nursing homes for
                                         the holiday's seasons. Commumty Service is one of the characteristics that go hand and hand with Criminal Justice.  The students will/earn how to
                                         serve m different areas of public service while promoting The Cnminal Justice Club Program.

       First Row: Timmy Jernigan (Historian), Annabelle
       Blevins (Secretary), Katelyn Curry (President),
       Devante Bell (Vice-President), Libby Taylor (Treasur-
       er). Second Row: Lyndsey Hollivan, Ethan Bowman,
       Briya McGuire, Brandon klopp, Daniel Summers,
       Miranda Delk, Emily Duren, Chandler Douglas. Third
       Row: AnJre Caldwell, Darren Burch, Deven Burnham,
       Kelston Sund, Morris Kynix, Brooke Cason, Hutch
       Courson. Fourth Row: Carltonette Claridy, Elleesha
       Simmons, Porschee Walker, Juanika Dunning, Han-
       nah Tevault, Lauren Ogburn, Victoria Davis, Chance
       Phillies. Fifth Row: Lasharie Campbell, Mikayla Luke,
       Rakeem Battle, Markham Gaskis, Heather Coody,
       Courtney Harmon, Mrs. Wendy Cousino (Sponsor).
       Sixth Row: DeSiree Speigner, Tirzah Mate, Simone
       McKnight, Betty Glackin, Jasmine Horton, Jesika
       Sheffield, Alex Roberts.

                                          Drama Class is a L1beral Arts, Leadership, Community Awareness, Business, Techmca/,  Writing and Critiquing class wrapped into one. Only 5% of
                                          students want to be on stage, the other 95% are marketing the current production, learning how to run cameras, sound, lights, stage management,
                                          stage design, make-up and wardrobe, props and design, developing media statements, working with the community on how the •Arts"1mpact
                                          soaety. The program is a student driven process in which the students use the stage and their ability to generate revenue to impact the community
                                          m which they live. It is acted and produced by them, the revenues are then spend on community events for the elderly, kids, or animals, and dub
                                          sponsorship. Students receive a well-rounded approach to runnmg thelf own con tamed business. It is a lifelong learning experience that students can
                                          use in the ·real world~
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