Page 111 - 2013 Columbian
P. 111
Yes ~ou. Now that I have ~our attention, tal'-e out ~our lrttJe e-ellllar devie-e and swn one of these
wdes to see ex-tra speC-ial photos.
Don't ~'-now how this wor\c:--s? Lool'- no further than the bottorv1 of the pa~et
Ever'jbod~ loves a ~o
swven~er hunt, ri~lit? Seniors if ~ou
want to see rv1ore piC-tures of
qraduation and jUSt ~our ever-fa~
0er10r shenan~ans, ~OU Wil rove to
lool'- for therv1. The~ are hdden
sorv1ewhere in the ~reat depths of this
BLOOPERS: #goofy# illy #Iunny SPORTS #athletes# ports #spnng
#OopsiD1dltAgam #lol #lunnylaces # oil ball #baseball #tenn1s #track
#bloopers #craycray #tacky #ratchet #football #commitment #tough T You are a serior You rvli~ht
#clumsy #ohlawd #fail #trainmg #f1tness #healthy want to lool'- :n the Senior see-tion.
HOMECOMING: #homecommg DREAMS REFLECT REALITY: # mart PROM: #pretty #memones #funllme
#dressup #fun #memone #pepral- #college #academ1c #achievements #dancmg #dre ses #hair #makeup
lies #paintedup #glitter #float build· # 1gn1ng #hfegoals #collegeacceptance #afterparty #luxe #limo #pnncess
ing #sk1ts #powderpull #goodtimes #sport # cholarsh1ps #future #dnven #cor age #rna querade
#competitive #napkin #university #movingforward
WINNING: #Robotic competitiOn TIGER LIFE: #sports #clubs #play FUN STUFF: # pring #fun #fnends
#SGAatFASC #HOSA #BandCompeti- #fndayn1ghthghts #pepralhes #spint #FunlnTheSun #lovethe un #vacation
tlon #ligerettes #d1stnct #reg1onals #purple #gold #unity #fnendsh1p # pringbreak #Goodlime #Groups
#teams #FFA # tate #troph1e #pnze #tigerpnde #studying #extracuriccular #Club #UpAII ight #WinterFormal
#accompli hments #MORP #Chn tma Breat... #YOLO
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