Page 203 - 2013 Columbian
P. 203
Junior Re erve Officer Training Corp
Junior Re er e Oificer Traming 'orp : JROTC, one ot
Columbia' fine t way to become pre-educated in the
military. If you are con idering joining any branch of the
militar then b ing a cadet of the H JROTC i highly
recommended. The in tructor will t ach you all the ba ic
tep , information and movement of the rmy. Although
the CH JROT program i pecifically Army ba ed, the
information learned would a i t you in any branch. ven
if you are not con idering the military, then ju t being a
cadet would help when it come to applying for a job or
any profe ional ituation du to the di cipline you I arn.
The JROTC program ha many team that participate in
variou competition around Florida; La t year Columbia
held it fir t JROT comp titian. orne of the team
include Drill Team and Armed Drill Team, which are ba ic
marching or mar hing with rifle ; Rifle Team, where you
get to hoot at target in the JROT range; Color Guard.
marching with the flag ; and the hibition Team, which
pin rifle whil marching. Thi y ar JROT ha welcomed
other program to our chool for a port day early in
Octob r. ot on! i there the informational ide of b ing
a cadet, but a! o the phy ical id . JROTC ha cadet
challenge every year which d a! with who can do the mo t
pu hup , it up , pull up and e en who run the fa te t.
There are a! o after chool cookout and marching in the
parade . It' really a t am oriented organization that
anyone can b a part of.