Page 230 - 2013 Columbian
P. 230

The  Beta  lub 1  a  tudent- entered organization,  ont1nually de  elop  and  nu1 tu1e
                              indi  iduab b  pro  iding oppo1 tunitie  and expe11enc.e  enabling them  to  demon  trate
                              th  ideal  ol  hara  t  1,  achievement.  e1v1   and  leade1  h1p  in a global community.  The
                             purpo  e ol  the  Beta  lub i  to promote the ideal  of  cha1acte1.  ervice and  leade1  hip
                             among  tudent  . to 1eward  melito1 iou  a  hievement and  to en  OUiage  and  a  <,l<,t  tud  nt
                              in  ontinuing thei1  education after high   hool.


      First Row  Molly Cdrver, Chyanne Schauer.  Rhea  Patel.  HveJrn  Krm.  Mr .  ordmeyer  (Sponsor). Second  Row: Mr . Coleman <Sponsor) Timmy  lewetl. Alex Roberts.  Cody
      Smrt~  Mckennah Collms.
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