Page 236 - 2013 Columbian
P. 236
Th Drdma Progrdm 1 J tudent drrv n
proce that u e the tage and th rr abrl
ity to generate revenue to lurther rmpact th
omrnunity rn which they live. The ')tudent
1eceive a well-rounded approa h to 1 unnrng
the1r own contarned bu rnec;; Thi 1 a lea1 n-
ing xp 1 ience that the tudent who take
"Drama" can u e when they get into the "real
First Row (left to right): Hannah Lynch. Jonathan Kmg, Amelia Wh1te. Jasmme Horton. Emily Albright, Je 1ka Sheffield, Cheyanna Payne Second: Isabella G1anno a.
Chri tian Sheppard. lirzah Mate. Breanna Dicks. ichola Law, Skylar ave, Bo Daniels. Third Row: Mr. McChesney (Spon or), Morgan McCall, Brandon Klopp, lames
Milewski. Rebecca Dav1s, Alexa DeMarco. Abbey Dailey.