Page 266 - 2013 Columbian
P. 266

"I  would  like to  be
                                                                                 remember  d  a         omeone
                                                                                 who  did  the  be  t  he
                                                                                 could with  the  talent  he
                                                                                 - J.K.  Rawling

                                                                 "LiielSnotarace-butmdcedaJ  umey.Beh  nest. Work Hard.
                                                                 Be choosy. Say'Thankyou", "I I  veyou",and "greatj  b" to
                                                                   meone each day. Go to church, taJ<,  time for prayer. The Lord
                                                                 giveth and the Lord taketh. Let your handshake mean m  re
                                                                 than pen and paper. Love your life and what you've been given,
                                                                 it is not accidentaJ- search for your purpose and do it as best you
                                                                 can. Drearningd   matter. It all   you to become that which
                                                                 you aspire to be. Laugh often.  ppreciate th  little things in life
                                                                 and enjoy them.   me of th   things really are free. Do n  t
                                                                 w  rry,   wrinkJ  arc m  re   min g.  orgive, it free; the ·  ul.
                                                                 Take time for yourself- plan for I  ngevity. Recognize the special
                                                                 px>ple you've been bl   to know. Live for today, enj  y the
                                                                 moment"- Bonnie M  hr
                                                                 We ALL LOVE YO  ! P.dppaw, Mammie, Ddvid, M  m,
                                                                 Kym, Kali,  ick, Brand  n,   l   die, Bella, and Jade
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