Page 273 - 2013 Columbian
P. 273
I can't O.:gtn to tell )OU hoY. much )OU mean to me. I rom the d.t) I found out that I \\a pregnant
Y.tth )OU- I h,l\c lo•cd )oU 1 he tn<>mcnt )OU Y.t:rc born there Y.~t' .t trem ndou' am unt of lo•e
,md rc pon ththt) I felt I h,l\c a!Y.,t)s taken tn) gtft ol r.u m )t>u as a nou calhng
f~~r Ill) hfe. I h,l\c al\\,t) thought m) purpo em hfe "'"to tmpl) he .t mother and ratse .t G<>d·
fc,mng chtld We .tlmo t ''"' )OU Y.hcn )OU \\ere born and I .tb,olutcl) dtdn't kmm hoY. I \\Ould
dcal \\tth that and I knoY. (J<>d spared )OUr ltfe. I took )OU home I rom the hospttal prepared to
ho\\cryou '"th lmc and acceptance JUst the "a) you \\ere ~men to me. You "ere and sttll arc o
fullofhli:. You sec thmg' so dtllcrcntly from most people. I kno\1 (H>d ha' hlc"cd )OU Y.tth
,pmtual gilh hkc no other .tnd I kno\1 you \\Ill put them w good usc. You al\\ays sec the good m
people. No matter if the) ha\C \\ronged you or h<l\en't been a good per-~>n to you. )OU nc•cr
hc,tt.tte to reach out to them m need or be kmd to them 'r tHt h,l\c 'uch a compassionate heart
,md )t>U ,hare tt \\hen )OU li:cl that nudgmg from the llol) Sptnt. I am o proud of )OU for that.
\II the tnne )OU ha•e greeted someone kmdl) "hcther the) 0.: homclc , dtrt) or dtflcrcnt and
.til the tnnc _you stmpl) g,l\e someone a note of encouragement \ ou ha\c uch a \\CCI, pure
mmx:cnt ptrit and )OU trul) d"pla) Jcsus Chri t m your hli: I ha•c .tl\\a) kno\\n tht and I
h,l\C ,II\\ a) trted to protect )OU from the mean Y.Orld and from O.:mg hurt I am lindmg out no\\ )OU arc I ·and gradu.ttmg th.ttl must tep had, .md let )tlU prc,td )OUr Y.tng' md put all of
the thtn )OU h.l\C 0.: n t.tughtto usc. Just oc pat tent \\tth me- tt t c trcmcly h.1rd \ ou arc all
gr<m n up noY. but )OU \1 til ,tl\\a) be m) ltttle gtrl so please under t.tnd th.tttt "\Cr) hard to
htft fn>m th" role but at the same lime I am •en e\cttcd to cc \ou m acuon and"-"' God
\\\Hkmg thwugh)our hli: I \\til al\\a)' 0.: standing on the tdc imc of)our hfc chccrmg you on
, nd O.:tng )our htggc t l~tn I \\Ill al\1,1)' lo'e )OU more hie tt clf.1nd )tHI \\Ill aiY.a) 0.: m)
ltttlc gtrl ( ongratul,lttons on )OUr graduauon. I am so proud of you' I ltl\e you!
Brittany Kemp
Jam \CI) proud of the )Ot.. J)) .. becumc T:t< O\e and ltnd lbat )OU bo" e•n}JJ) 1 a
truereflocuonofwbataCbnstJan bouldloo hke I kno" that)< usha tob<proudof)OUa "II
\1 mma
nd I are happ) knmnng that " 1\lll b< together for all f eterntt) I ha• lo\-ed )OU '"' the mgbt that
mom al~ me and told me lbat I "'llo gomgto b.! a dadd) I 1\ so nc1tcd to bearthat 11<\1 It "'llo a great
~ Img. one that I 1\lll ne•er for~et I "ould m~ to )OU almo t CWI') mght "hen )OU "ere tdl m momm)·
tumm) and )OU "ould tart mo•mg around and kJCkmgJu Ito let me kno" that )OU heard me Then the
da\ )OU "ere born, ohm) goodn I ne1er kne~A I could lo•e meone >0 mu•h I hat lol< ~.,.and
gre.. ")ou are graduating htgb hool II here dtd the 11m go" I ha-e "at.h 1ou tran lonn I rom th
mo t hcauttlul bab) g~rl mto a b.! uuful)oung "oman "llh the "orld at )our mgerttp' The "orld "a btg
place that ha' man) "onderfulthtng, to oner, but it\ )OU that ha> man) "onderfulthm • to oiTer the "orld
Sho" the "orld ho" to lt>le and 'ho" the "orld ho~< to be kmd one to another But mthl of all let the "orld
sec Chrhtthrough )OU. I am o proud of )OU Bnn. I could nc-er ha•e a'kcd for a hcner daugbterthan the
I g t "hen (j :td gale me) ou o wngratulau rb on makmg tt through thts rep of ltf and get read) for the
ne\t one. Justal""l' remcmhcr that )OU nc\er ha\e to take an) rep alone. \1 and \1omma "'II al"al'
b.! there to help JOU each rep of the "a) \I" a) look to God and He "'II bo" l u the wa) llo1e )OU
bab) DO\\ and ~ re~ er