Page 284 - 2013 Columbian
P. 284
I thank God everyday for g1ving me a vvonderful baby g1rl and
,eeing her grmv up into a young lady with a great heart and a
great future. ontinue loving God. with him every day is possible.
We arc proud of you Kimberly.
Love You.
:'vlama and Pop~
!though your last name isn't the arne as mine and my blood
doe n't run through your veins. I feel like the lord gave me the
little girl I ne\er had before you came along. I am proud of the
~oung lady that you ha\C become. You ha\e a warm smile (shovv
it) great per~onality (appreciate it) and a good heart (share it). I
,tm proud to call you my daughter
Lo\e Dad