Page 295 - 2013 Columbian
P. 295

My little girl all grown up
                                                                                     How quickly it all went by.
                                                                                     I wa  ble  ed the day you came
                                                                                     into my life and I  have been
                                                                                     proud every day  ince.
                                                                                     A  your father I couldn't wi  h
                                                                                     for anything more,
                                                                                     Except maybe the chance to go
                                                                                     back and do it all over again.

                                           Heather Benson

                                         l can remember holdtng and looktng at :rou lor the tir  t time- You \\ere  o  beautiful
                                         and  o  weet, and you are still  o beautiful and  till  o  weet. It truly amaze  me to
                                          ee the young woman you have become-to know that you are not only beautiful on
                                         the out ide, but on the inside too. There are  o many thing  that I ju  t love about
                                         you, Heather. I love your tender heart, your acceptance of other  . Your great judge
                                         of character and intuition, your funny  en  e of humor and wit, and the love and
                                         loyalty you have for your family and the people you lov  . 1 am  o  proud of you,
                                         Heather, and I am so proud to be your mom.
                                         I love you "Bigger Than The Univer e,"
                                         Lo  e, Mom
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