Page 51 - 2013 Columbian
P. 51

Whoo B~oko R"~~h~ ~I •h~ ~w•y~;pcop~~,;,,,,,mool

       she  make  sure her goll  bag is  filled with the essentials, even  though sometimes
                               those essentials aren't always just her clubs and
                               golf balls. Brooke alway  has her goll glove.  the
                               first one she ever used. because 1t  is her good
                               luck charm and she  wouldn't dream of gomg to
                               a tournament without it. She also always carnes
                               a gallon size bag of food and a Mountain Dew
                               becau  e she's always th1rsty and hungry. Without
                               these  thmgs Brooke just m1ght  not have been able
                               to make it through the golf season.
                                                                                                          Courtes  Photo
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