Page 139 - 2014 Columbian
P. 139


                                                                CONCEAl BAND

          lmag1ne ths. you're standing at attent1on wa1t1rg  for  your
       next move 1n  the dnll.  a  bead of sweat dnps down your face
       but you can't Wipe  1t  away.  they'd  take po1nts off Your  eyes
       are  locked on the Drum MajOr.  the t1me  comes for you to
       move. and you  take a breath 1n.  not to catch your  breatr
       but to blow 1t  nto your Instrument and play the next beat
       Be·ng carefu' to play the nght one out of the total 7  mnutes
      of mus1c you had to memonze  As  Drum MajOr  I helped over
      70 5tudents get where they needed  to be  for FBA (March1ng
       Band  FCA ..... )  Tt-> s year.  for  the First  t1me  1n  3 yedrS.  CHS  came
      out a super or band
          Now 1t s concert season  and although we are 1n
       the a1r  condit1on1ng (when 1t's on).  1t's  no less work  Tak1ng
       1n JUSt  as much a~r.  1f  not more.  you stare at the director
       watch1ng h1s  cues and wa1t1ng  for your entrance  When 1t
       comes.  you glance down to see  your notes and  then back
       up to see  the mus1cal  picture Mr  Schulz IS  try1ng to pa1nt
       w1th  h1s  conducting  Every practice you're prepanng for the
       performarce that w1ll  make  th1s  year another year  the CHS
       Wind  Ensemble  bnng homes a Supenor  rat1ng
                   Drum MaJor Colby Hollingswortrt I /12
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