Page 162 - 2014 Columbian
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Cheyanne enjoys making others smile. Her goals for
the future include attend1ng Indian River College in Fort
Pierce, Florida and getting her certification in
corrections. Cheyanne's favorite football team is the
Georgia Bulldogs and one of her favorite pastimes is
listenmg to the band Savage Garden. She's known to
be exceptionally straightforward and honest. She loves
her job at Ellianos, and always tries to do her best with
everything she does. Cheyanne has many pets,
including her Chihuahua named Pepper, her cat
Princess, her lizards, Blizz and Liz, and her bearded
dragon, Crush. On weekends, Cheyanne like to sleep.
Her favorite TV show is "The Walking Dead". The
craziest thing she's ever done was ride down the side of
a mountain in West Virginia. She plans to travel to
Europe and go sightseeing in Germany.
Alexandra Hvojnik
Gabrielle Hysell
John Janki
Malachi Jean
Maya Jenkins
Austin Jennings
Destiny Jennings
Kiefer Jett
Glendasha Johnson
Jason Johnson
Kevin Johnson
Miranda Johnson
Zackary Johnson
Kelvin Jonas
Antoinette Jones
Ashley Jones
Taylor Jou
Melissa Kane
Sean Keenan
Jasmine Kelly
Krystal Kenyon
Lacey King
Kelsie Knudsen
Alanis Koberlein