Page 276 - 2014 Columbian
P. 276

TA                                        WILCOXO

                                                                  ·1 can  do  all  thin~s throu~h [hrist who  stren~thens me·

                                                                                                     - rhillirrians 1:]]

         We  ore so  proud of the  yovng  ody that you  hove
          become. -he love  and kindness  that you  show  1n
         everything that you  do has  mode us  very proud.
         We  ore very excited to see  the  next  chapter of
         your l"fe  unfold. Continue  to follow  your  dreams
         and stay true  to yourse f!  Congratulations.  we  love
         you  very  much!   Love  a ways,
                                        )ad Mor1  and Dylan
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